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Nursing Interventions | Scientific Rationale |
Assess for impediments to mobility. | Identifying the specific cause guides design of optimal treatment plan. |
Assess patient's ability to perform ADLs effectively and safely on a daily basis. | Restricted movement affects the ability to perform most ADLs. Safety with ambulation is an important concern. |
Assess patient or caregivers knowledge of immobility and its implications. | Even patients who are temporarily immobile are at risk for some of the effects of immobility, such as skin breakdown, muscle weakness, thrombophlebitis, constipation, pneumonia, and depression). |
Assess for developing thrombophlebitis (calf pain, Homans' sign, redness, localized swelling, and rise in temperature). | Bed rest or immobility promotes clot formation. |
Assess elimination status. | Immobility promotes constipation. |
Evaluate need for assistive devices. | Proper use of wheelchairs, canes, transfer bars, and other assistance can promote activity and reduce danger of falls. |
Evaluate the safety of the immediate environment. | Obstacles such as throw rugs, children's toys, pets, and others can further impede one's ability to ambulate safely. |
Encourage and facilitate early ambulation and other ADLs when possible. | The longer the patient remains immobile the greater the level of debilitation that will occur. |
Encourage appropriate use of assistive devices in the home setting. | Mobility aids can increase level of mobility. |
Provide positive reinforcement during activity. | Patients may be reluctant to move or initiate new activity from a fear of falling. |
Allow patient to perform tasks at his or her own rate. Do not rush patient. Encourage independent activity as able and safe. | Hospital workers and family caregivers are often in a hurry and do more for patients than needed, thereby slowing patient's recovery and reducing his or her self-esteem. |
Keep side rails up and bed in low position. | To promote safe environment. |
Turn and position every 2 hours, or as needed. | To optimize circulation to all tissues and to relieve pressure. |
Maintain limbs in functional alignment (e.g., with pillows, sandbags, wedges, or prefabricated splints). | To prevent footdrop and/or excessive plantar flexion or tightness. |
Support feet in dorsiflexed position (Use bed cradle) | To keep heavy bed linens off feet. |
Perform passive or active assistive ROM exercises to all extremities | To promote increased venous return, prevent stiffness, and maintain muscle strength and endurance |
Promote resistance training services. | Research supports that strength training and other forms of exercise in older adults can preserve the ability to maintain independent living status and reduce risk of falling. |
Turn patient to prone or semiprone position once daily unless contraindicated. | To drain bronchial tree. |
Use prophylactic antipressure devices as appropriate. | To prevent tissue breakdown. |
Use incentive spirometer to increase lung expansion. | Decreased chest excursions, and stasis of secretions are associated with immobility. |
Encourage liquid intake of 2000 to 3000 ml per day unless contraindicated. | To optimize hydration status and prevent hardening of stool. |
Initiate supplemental high-protein feedings as appropriate. | Proper nutrition is required to maintain adequate energy level. |
Administer medications as appropriate. | Antispasmotic medications may reduce muscle spasms or spasticity that interfere with mobility. |
Teach energy saving techniques. | To optimize patient's limited reserves. |